New Paradigm Dance Theater

Support New Paradigm Dance Theater
on Colorado Gives Day

New Paradigm Dance Theater will combine professionalism with a safe, non-judgmental, dancer-based focus. Fostering artistic expression, vulnerability, and creativity, our goal is to create beautiful, intellectually stimulating and enjoyable art to bring our audiences along with us in our explorations.

New Paradigm Dance Theater (NPDT) develops creative artists and thinkers of the future by creating an artistic environment where dancers and choreographers can be vulnerable, question and break assumptions, and focus on creating their own pathway to artistry. Our vision for New Paradigm is to have separate productions/programs for both youth and adult companies with opportunities to collaborate together. We love to have the ability to learn with and from each other to deepen our community connection and love for dance. 

Co-Artistic Directors Julia Wilkinson Manley & Chris Harris have extensive experience directing both adult productions and student performance companies. New Paradigm Dance Theater will combine professionalism with a safe, non-judgmental, dancer-based focus. Fostering artistic expression, vulnerability, and creativity, our goal is to create beautiful, intellectually stimulating and enjoyable art to bring our audiences along with us in our explorations.

For the 2024-2025 Season, NPDT debuted three companies: Youth Company, Adult Company, and Empower Company- for teens and adults with special needs. All 3 companies are performing in NPDT’s World Premiere, Nutcracker Reimagined, this December. In addition, all 3 companies will perform throughout the season, bringing dance to our community.

Support New Paradigm's Inaugural Company

Your generous donations will support NPDT's: Travel and lodging Choreographer and rehearsal fees Costumes Future productions and performances New Paradigm Dance Theater is a 501(c)3 non-profit. EIN 93-3450489.

For audition information please contact us at

Colorado Movement Lab

dance education  |  movement exploration  |  wellness


9910 Wadsworth Pkwy #100
Westminster, CO 80021

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